The Town Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at City Hall (Pine Street entrance). If you would like to be on the agenda to discuss an issue or item, please call City Hall 468-2441 at least seven days before the upcoming meeting. The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend meetings.
Justin Norman, Vice Mayor-General Government, Culture & Recreation Commissioner (2024)
Joe Watt, Council-Water & Sewer Commissioner (2026)
Tiffany McMillan, Council- Public Safety Commissioner (2026)
Rick Rothleutner, Council- Streets & Sanitation Commissioner (2024)
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Previous Years Minutes and Agendas
City Hall
Kelley Millar-Clerk/Treasurer
PO Box 203
725 2nd Street
Upton WY 82730
(307) 468-2441
(307) 468-2209 Fax
M-F 8am to 5pm
June Shell, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer
Emily Cork, Office Assistant
The Honorable Christopher Ringer, Municipal Judge
Corina McPeters‚ Clerk of Court
Upton Municipal Court is held on the fourth Thursday of each month starting at 4 pm at the Upton Community Center building.
(307) 468-2441 main
(307) 468-2221 on court dates only
Public Works
Upton City Shop
Mark Lindstrom, Superintendent
PO Box 203
1004 Sawmill Avenue
Upton WY, 82730
(307) 468-2441
(307) 746-4486 Option 1-After Hours Dispatch
Amber Ryan, Public Works
Jeff Hargrave, Public Works
Andrew Liska, Part-Time Public Works
Joe Vrana, Part-Time Public Works
Upton Police Department
Susan Bridge, Chief of Police
PO Box 203
520 Pine Street
Upton WY, 82730
(307) 468-2475
Kami Erland, Administrative Assistant
Upton Volunteer Fire Department
Les Riehemann, Fire Chief
PO Box 278
915 Ash Street (N Hwy 116)
Upton WY, 82730
Contact the Upton Volunteer Fire Department for more information on joining as a volunteer firefighter, ambulance driver or EMT.
Donations are always welcomed by the UVFD.