
Upton Economic Development Board-Independent
John Marshall, President
Keith Materi, Vice President
Justin Mills, Treasurer
Dick Claycomb, Director
Walt Riehemann, Director
Dylan Esquivel, Director
Tony Barton, Director
Carmen Diehl, Director
Clark Coberly, Secretary

Meets the first Monday of each month at 3:00 PM at the Haynes Building. Meetings may be rescheduled due to holidays or conflicts.
Contact for more information.

Airport Board-Town Appointed
Lori Materi, Chair
Scott Gerber
Danny Hart
Keith Materi
Dustin Kokesh

Meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at Dan Hart Patrol Service
Contact City Hall 468-2441 or for more information

Chamber of Commerce Board-Independent
Kade McMillan, President
Buffy Helwig, Vice President
Kas Bishop, Secretary
Laura Teel, Treasurer
Katie Easton
Clark Coberly
Toni Gipson

Board meets the second Monday of each month at 12 noon at business locations TBA
General Membership meets the second Thursday of each month at 12 noon at
business locations TBA
Contact for more information

WCSD #7 Board-Elected
Chairman Curtis Rankin
Diana White
Ty Miller
Mark Mitchell
Justin Mills

Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Board Room at the Nelson Bldg

Senior Center Board-Independent
Gary Barnes, President Joyce Haptonstall, Vice President Karen Carter, Secretary Donna Kennedy, Treasurer
Ladena Buckley, Director
Peggy Nichols, Director

Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 8:30 am at the Upton Senior Center Contact Gary Barnes for more information.

Weston County Commissioners-Elected
Don Taylor, Chairman
Garrett Borton, Vice Chair
Vera Huber
Nathan Todd
Ed Wagoner

Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am in the Commissione's Room at the Weston County Courthouse
Contact Clerk Hadlock at or 746-4744 for more information

Housing Authority Board-Town Appointed
Mark Lindstrom, Chair
Scott Buckley, Vice Chair
Betty Strong, Treasurer
Donna Kennedy, Secretary

Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 pm at the Upton Senior Housing
Common Room.
Contact City Hall 468-2441 or for more information

Planning Board-Town Appointed
Howard White, Chair
Denise Thompson
Julie Abbott, Secretary
Bob Eisenhauer

Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month April-Oct, and the first Tuesday Nov-March at 7:00 pm at the Upton Community Center in Room 4
Contact City Hall 468-2441 or for more information

Weston County Travel Commission-Appointed
Brittany Trandahl, President
Julie Whetsell, Treasurer
Kelley Millar, Secretary
Bruce Perkins
Kas Bishop

WCTC meets quarterly, sometimes monthly as needed. Dates and locations will be published. Click here for contact information.

Weston County Solid Waste District-County Appointed
George Bondora
Sam Haptonstall
Bob Hartley
Ed Wagoner
Mike Mills

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